Expo - Performance 2013

'Eh scho wissen. > (Het Weense denkbeeld)' (B)

2m3, Brussels, Belgium, performance, 28th December 2013.

"Eines Tages habe er von den Kunststücken genug gehabt - “von Kunststücken hat man gleich genug” - und sich der reinen wirklichen Kunst, der Kunst, die auf keinen Kunststücken beruht, zugewandt." - Thomas Bernhard

See video documentation of the performance.

'pseudo STERN' (B)

Museum Herman Teirlinckhuis, Beersel, Belgium. performance, 28th November 2013.

Together we will visit the museum to experience the magnificent sunset at Uwenberg, with the evocative sound of the motorway E19/R0 on one of last days of the museum.

Presentation of the recent Ryslavy Edition (outdoor sculpture, Untitled, edition of 6) with the advantageous "late bird promotion" in the Museum grounds, before the eerie background of the permanent installation/sculpture by Bernd Lohaus being removed in the evening twilight. Original posters available from director Chris Straetling. A dusty Austrian wine will be served - und Lise Duclaux überrascht mit dem schwarzgrünen oostenrijkse poempoenpittenolie, eerste koude persing auf jedermanns viaticum.

'Autumn Revival' (AT)

For all those who did not have access to Kurt Ryslavy's recent shows 'Flemish Art Assets' (USA) (New York, beyond the Atlantic Ocean) and 'Tiere Diesmal' (Grafenbergalm, beyond cars' reach) there were two dates to note down. 7th November 2013 at 19h00, Kunsthaus Grazn Universal Museum Joannes and 15th November 2013 at 17h00, kunst.wirt.schaft, both in Graz (Austria). K.R. re-installed made viewable both performances/ installations mentioned above within the context of these two groupshows.

Image © Ria Pacquée (in front of Printed Matter NYC, 29/11/12

'Douglas’ six-parks' (SK)

Exhibition for 'Douglasism' festival organised by Kim Kim Gallery, Seoul, South Korea. Runs from 10th October until 12th November 2103 at 3rd Floor, Eulji Building Annex 302-1, Eulji-ro 3-ga, Jung-gu, Seoul.

Kurt Ryslavy created a Douglas´ six-Parks, (a verbal and physical pun, an allusion to six-packs and Douglas Park, both not really agreeable options) in an empty, slightly derelict but clean Factory building in Uljiro.

The installation contained, illuminated fridges, whine bottles in 6er packs, and costum made Austrian whine merchant etiquettes and yet in its shape undefined, truck turpuline.

'Tiere Diesmal' (AT)

Grafenbergalm (Grafenberger Alpe), solo exhibition in open air, 7th July - Sunday 25th August 2013.

The location was 47deg28'0" N 13deg45'0" E, 1776m above sea level, in the Northern Limestone Alps (Austria). This place was accessible only by foot (2 – 4 hours) or helicopter.

This exhibition was a tribute to the person and work of Bodo Hell.

Opening reception was on Sunday 7th July 2013 around the Hut (Halterhütte). Finissage Sunday 25th August 2013. A team of 8 strong people brought the exhibition down to the valley, saving it from the forces of the wilderness.

'Jamming Money (la période verte)' (B)

The Artists Club / Coffre Fort (BE), performance, 17th June 2013.

"It’s a story of chance. This summer, the Belgo-Austrian artist, collector and wine seller Kurt Ryslavy had to take the boat from Linosa to Agrigento, to catch a train to Trapani, then fly to Brussels. However, the boat couldn’t leave because of high desert winds, and he missed his flight. After a week of dithering, he finally arrived in a taxi at Lampedusa airport, on the neighboring island of Linosa, with a new flight ticket, dressed in a suit, and rolling a suitcase on wheels." » cont

'Going Wild' (B)

SECONDroom Antwerpen, performance, 11th May 2013.

"A l’heure où les avatars les plus évidents du nationalisme flamand atteignent des sommets de popularité, l’on est en droit de se demander comment se porte l’un de ses instruments sous-jacents, la fameuse politique culturelle résolument « progressiste » mise en place par nos compatriotes depuis quelques décennies. Maintenant que chaque artiste labellisé « contemporain » a acquis le statut médiatique d’une vedette de feuilleton télévisé, que chaque universitaire se voit proposer un diplôme supplémentaire en « curating » et que chaque bourgade possède, en plus d’un club de foot en première division, son centre d’art flambant neuf, les institutions du nord clament avec fierté la pertinence de leur production culturelle ..." » cont