Galerie Mieke Van Schaijk ‘s-Hertogenbosch (NL)
«het is geen kunst FAKE NEWS te maken» (+Edition)
with performance by Juan Pablo Plazas 10 may 2018
10 may – 24 june 2018
Franz West needed urgently a work of mine (that he could sell right away). He did not have any
exchangeable work of his own at this moment, it was probably in 1982 or 1983 years. West explained to me
that this historic “publicity” derived from the storage of his girlfriend’s insect shop. I knew Hilde
Winkler, of course, she had this “shop” in an apartment of a 19th century building, heritage from her
parents, very close to where I was living in the time, Haizingergasse in the cottage quarter. Franz West
underlined, that this publicity includes an original aquarel signed by A. Plason, probably a noble, who
had time to spend on his hobby. I pretended, that this was a convincing fact, to barter my own work. I
knew, that Franz West had given an early oil painting of mine to Hilde Winkler before, on occasion of one
of her birthdays. It was also the time, when the “market” that Franz West had created for his own work in
Vienna (flowershop owners, antiquarien bookshops, framing shops, etc.) got saturated. These people, who
were not art collectors, but tried to help West with small amounts of money, said, that they had already
lots of works by Franz West. They encouraged Franz to bring works of “other artists” that they could buy
then for small amounts too. So Franz West stood at the beginning of a recreation of a non existing art
market in Vienna, with dreamlike conditions.
(Kurt Ryslavy)